Gary Stevenson
Now is an unbelievable opportunity to change the way the rich are taxed, and to introduce a wealth tax.
The combination of rising asset prices for the rich and forthcoming job losses for the poor is an absolute disaster. And it’ll be in real terms a humanitarian disaster for most people as well. Therefore, now is an unbelievable opportunity to change the way the rich are taxed, and to introduce a wealth tax.
Gary was a successful trader at Citibank, but decided to leave the position in 2014. Since leaving Gary has focused on conducted research and educating people around wealth inequality. Gary currently runs and operates multiple social media channels dedicated to educating others and sharing his extensive knowledge on economics. Gary has actively been advocating for a wealth tax in the past years, most recently appearing in Owen Jones article for the Guardian “We need a wealth tax”.
GarysEconomics (Youtube Channel)
Make UK’s super-rich pay for social care Boris (not the poor) says MILLIONAIRE INVESTOR.