‘Millionaires for
Humanity’ Sign On Letter

As Covid-19 strikes the world, millionaires like us have a critical role to play in healing our world. No, we are not the ones caring for the sick in intensive care wards. We are not driving the ambulances that will bring the ill to hospitals. We are not restocking grocery store shelves or delivering food door to door. But we do have money, lots of it. Money desperately needed now will continue to be required in the years ahead as our world recovers from this crisis.

Today, the undersigned millionaires ask our governments to raise taxes on people like us. Immediately. Substantially. Permanently.

The impact of this crisis will last for decades. It could push half a billion more people into poverty. Hundreds of millions of people will lose their jobs as businesses close, some permanently. Already, there are nearly a billion children out of school, many with no access to the resources they need to continue their learning. And of course, the absence of hospital beds, protective masks, and ventilators is a painful, daily reminder of the inadequate investment made in public health systems worldwide.

The problems caused by and revealed by; Covid-19 can’t be solved with charity, no matter how generous. Government leaders must take responsibility for raising the funds we need and spending them fairly. We can ensure we adequately fund our health systems, schools, and security through a permanent tax increase on the wealthiest people on the planet, people like us.

We owe a massive debt to the people working on the frontlines of this global battle. Most essential workers are grossly underpaid for the burden they carry. At the vanguard of this fight are our health care workers, 70 percent of whom are women. They confront the deadly virus each day at work while bearing the majority of responsibility for unpaid work at home. The risks these brave people willingly embrace every day to care for the rest of us require us to establish a new, genuine commitment to each other and to what matters.

Our interconnectedness has never been more apparent. We must rebalance our world before it is too late. There will not be another chance to get this right.

Unlike tens of millions of people worldwide, we do not have to worry about losing our jobs, our homes, or our ability to support our families. We are not fighting on the frontlines of this emergency, and we are much less likely to be its victims.

So please. Tax us. Tax us. Tax us. It is the right choice. It is the only choice.

Humanity is more important than our money.

The Signers

Frank Arthur (US)

Richard Boberg (US)

Jon Boughton (Australia)

Dr. Mariana Bozesan (Germany)

Bob Burnett (US)

Ronald Carter (US)

Xandra Coe (US)

James Colen (US)

Cynda Collins Arsenault (US)

Richard Curtis (UK)

Alan S. Davis (US)

Pierce Delahunt (US)

Abigail Disney (US)

Tim Disney (US)

John Driscoll (US)

Larry Dunivan (US)

Karen Edwards (US)

Stephen R. English (US)

Andrew M. Faulk, M.D. (US)

Rick Feldman (US)

Thomas Ferguson (UK)

Mary Ford (US)

Patricia G. Foschi (US)

Ulrich Freitag (Canada)

Dr. Ernest Fuhrmann (Austria)

Blaine Garst (US)

David Gibson (US)

Molly Gochman (US)

Brooke Gordon (US)

Thomas Gordon (US)

Jerry Greenfield (US)

Karen Grove (US)


Ron Guillot (US)

Catherine Gund (US)

Stefanie Bremer (Germany)

James Harford (US)

John Michael Hemmer (US)

Graham Hobson (UK)

Gerd Hofielen (Germany)

Wei-Hwa Huang (US)

Diane Isenberg (US)

Ross Jackson (Denmark)

William H. Janeway (US)

Frank H. Jernigan (US)

Kristina Johansson (UK)

Carlo Kapp (UK)

Raja Khan (UK)

Hans Langeveld (Netherlands)

Robert Larkin (US)

Richard (Ted) LaRoche (US)

David Lee (US)

Dr. Dieter Lehmkuhl (Germany)

Kristin Luck (US)

Diana Luque (Mexico)

Amy Mandel (US)

Ané Maro (Denmark)

Patricia Martone (US)

Thomas McDougal (US)

Gemma McGough (UK)

Marie T. McKellar (US)

Judy L. Meath (US)

Terence Meehan (US)

Courtney Meijer (US)

Frans Meijer (Netherlands)

Joep Meijer (US)

Lucas Rodriguez Mentasti (US)

Edwin Miller (Sweden)

André Sevenius Nilsen (Norway)

John O’Farrell (US)

Gary Passon (US)

Morris Pearl (US)

Magnus Persson (Sweden)

Geoff Phillips (UK)

Judy Pigott (US)

Stephen Prince (US)

Liesel Pritzker Simmons (US)

Malcolm Rands (New Zealand)

Bonnie Rothman (US)

Michael Rothman (US)

Jan Rüegg (Switzerland)

Sara Rüegg (Switzerland)

Sophie Robinson Saltonstall (US)

Guy Saperstein (US)

Cédric Schmidtke (Germany)

Franziska Wiest (Germany)

Eric Schoenberg (US)

Antonis Schwarz (Germany)

Stephen Segal (US)

Djaffar Shalchi (Denmark)

Charlie Simmons (US)

Ian Simmons (US)

Diane Meyer Simon (US)

Barbara Simons (US)

Peter Torr Smith (New Zealand)

Gary Stevenson (UK)

Karen Stewart, PhD (US)

Julia Stone (US)


Sandor Straus (US)

Arthur Strauss, MD (US)

Ralph Suikat (Germany)

Alexandra Theriault, MD (US)

Sir. Stephen Tindall (New Zealand)

Sidney Topol (US)

Claire Trottier (Canada)

Sylvie Trottier (Canada)

Dale Walker (US)

Scott Wallace (US)

Diana Wege (US)

Terry Winograd (US)

Carol Winograd (US)

Bennet Yee (US)

Amy Ziering (US)